To coincide with the 30th anniversary of the
king's demise, Paramount issued a boxed set
called "Elvis - 8 Movies DVD Collection" in
August 2007.
Back in 2007 the dvd format still was the
standard for home entertainment, but blu rays
already were on their way to phase the older and
inferior format out. Therefore it would have
been nice, if Paramount had bothered to give the
movies a proper hd-remastering and issue them on
blu ray, too. But while I can understand their
strategy from a monetary side, I don't know why
Paramount failed to include "Loving You". It
would have been great to have all of Presley's
Paramount movies in a single set. For reviews of
the accordant movies just tap on the dvd covers.

The video was remastered and exceeds the
quality of previous releases. The colors are
bright, but the picture discloses some wear and
tear of the original negatives and everything
doesn't look as sharp and detailed as on more
current hd remasters of old movies. The newer
incarnations of "King Creole" and "Blue Hawaii"
win hands down.
The original soundtrack is available in a
quite solid 5.1 mix, other languages (including
German) are just available in mono. However,
everything sounds well balanced and free of hiss
or other distortions.