(C) Follow That Dream Records / Sony Music Entertainment
Elvis arrived at Austin's Ragsdale Airport at 12:23 am and was driven to the Hilton Inn, where he had booked the entire 9th floor. After the show the king returned to the hotel and was flown to Baton Rouge/Louisiana in the evening hours of the following day. The tooth still bothered him, but instead of visiting a local dentist Elvis preferred to have some painkillers sent to his room! The concert itself was a sellout, which wasn't all that surprising since the Municipal Auditorium held just 6,000 people. The show started about 30 minutes late. Somewhere I've read, that an amplifier had stopped working right before the concert and had to be repaired. Another source claims, that Elvis' car got stuck in a traffic jam. However, when he finally took the stage, he wore the "Embroidered Arabian Jumpsuit".
Love Me
This time the soundboard tape was started after "Also Sprach Zarathustra", "See See Rider" and the medley of "I Got A Woman" and "Amen". The ballad "Love Me" is presented the usual way. Compared to the previous night the king sounds less energetic.
If You Love Me (Let Me Know)Jokingly Elvis announces the next song as "If you love me let me know and if you don't get the f....". The country pop is presented well, one can hear, that the king likes this kind of music very much.
You Gave Me A MountainToday's rendition of the power ballad is quite good. It certainly holds up to the one from June 21st, which was included in the "Elvis In Concert" television special.
Jailhouse RockThe tempo is raised with the "Jalhouse Rock". It sounds more like Vegas than like gutter, but it fits the guy in the embroidered jumpsuit and the audience happily claps along.
O Sole Mio / It's Now Or NeverSherrill Nielsen yelps "O Sole Mio", then his boss takes over with "It's Now Or Never". In-between Elvis gets the giggles, but he also doesn't fail to impress with some belted out lines.
Little SisterNow the king announces a medley, that starts with "Little Sister" and ends with "Bigger Sister". He also promises to do "Hound Dog" later. His single hit from the early 1960s gets a solid outing.
Teddy Bear / Don't Be CruelThe medley of "Teddy Bear" and "Don't Be Cruel" is sung with less care, but Elvis makes up for it by throwing a truckload of scarfs into the audience.
That's All RightAs he has done the previous days, the king asks for his guitar to accompany himself on few songs. His assistant hands him the instrument, puts a microphone on a stand to amplify the guitar and holds Elvis' mike close to his mouth, so the audience can hear his voice as well. Today's performance is hampered by a false start and a re-start in mid-song. To make it worse, a string breaks and therefore Elvis has to limit the guitar session to this song.
Steamroller BluesBut the king makes up for the troubles with his only 1977 performance of "Steamroller Blues". Even though he hasn't sung it since last December, the band is on their toes and pulls it off immediately. Elvis sounds very engaged, so it's a pity that he didn't include the song more often.
Help MeWith "Help Me" the king presents another song, that isn't performed on a regular basis. It's a good performance, during which the king duets with Sherril Nielsen, whom he thanks afterwards.
FeverNow it's time for "Fever". As usual the stratigic moves of his legs drive the ladies wild.
HurtOmitting the "Introductions" the album continues with "Hurt". It's a routine performance, but certainly not a bad one.
Hound DogUnfortunately one cannot say the same about "Hound Dog". Elvis invests very little energy and simply repeats the same four lines over and over again.
Can't Help Falling In LoveThe king quickly says goodbye and performs a lackluster "Can't Help Falling In Love". Jokingly he changes the first line to "Wise men know, when it's time to go". After the final note of the movie tune the band segues into the "Closing Riff", to which Elvis bows in every direction, shakes a few hands and leaves the stage.