(C) Follow That Dream Records / Sony Music Entertainment
The second concert in Norman/Oklahoma was a sell out, the Lloyd Noble Center was filled with 14,500 people. Shortly before having to enter the stage Elvis chipped a tooth. For the concert the king wore his "Embroidered Arabian Suit". After the show he returned to the Scirvan Plaza Hotel. His flight to Abilene/Texas was scheduled to arrive just prior to showtime. His stint in Norman had earned him 325,460 USD.
Love Me
The engineer switches on the equipment after "Also Sprach Zarathustra", "See See Rider", the medley of "I Got A Woman" and "Amen". Elvis greets the crowd by saying "Just relax and enjoy the show" and adds "It's Saturday night and I just got paid". Of course everybody knows, that this is the first line of "Rip It Up". Thankfully the king sounds much better than yesterday. Even though "Love Me" offers nothing out of the ordinary, it's good to hear Elvis laughing and joking throughout the performance.
Help MeIn the background Charlie Hodge can be heared asking his boss, if he wants to do "If You Love Me" or "Fairytale". But Elvis ignores him and announces "Help Me" instead. Nowadays he dosn't present the song too often, but today he feels like it and delivers a good presentation. Nevertheless one cannot ignore the fact, that his voice wavers at times.
If You Love Me (Let Me Know)Now the king picks up one of his assistant's suggestions and performs "If You Love Me (Let Me Know)". He sings the country pop well, maybe even a bit better than Olivia Newton-John.
You Gave Me A MountainThe power ballad sounds much better than yesterday. Elvis doesn't hold the notes as long as five years ago, but at times his vocals are still impressive.
Love Me TenderInstead of the usual "Little Sister" the king sings "Love Me Tender". He doesn't include the song too often nowadays, so it's somewhat of a surprise. Jokingly he changes the line "take me to your heart" to "take me to your leader".
Blue Suede ShoesNow Elvis wants to do an uptempo song. In the background Mr. Hodge suggestes "Jailhouse Rock", but the king obviously is up to something he doesn't sing each and every night. Finally he settles for "Blue Suede Shoes". The performance is comparable to the one on the "Aloha" show four years ago. Not really fast and furious, but a nice reminder of everyone's youth.
O Sole Mio / It's Now Or NeverLike yesterday Sherrill Nielsen intones "O Sole Mio" before Elvis presents "It's Now Or Never". He sounds much more vital than yesterday and certainly manages to impress.
FeverIn the background Charlie suggests to do the medley (aka "Little Sister", "Teddy Bear" and "Don't Be Cruel"), but Elvis turns him down. After a few seconds he decides to sing "Fever" instead. Once again he gives a much zestier impression than yesterday.
That's All RightThe king really wants to present something different, because now he announces to play the guitar for a couple of songs. Ironically he adds, that he knows three chords. Since his instrument is nothing but a prop, a microphone is put on a stand to amplify the instrument. Charlie Hodge stands next to Elvis and holds a second microphone close to his boss' mouth. It all looks a bit improvised, but "That's All Right" gets a great outing.
Are You Lonesome TonightHowever, during "Are You Lonesome Tonight" the singer is out of tune at times and also fools around with his buddy. Mr. Hodge pretends that Elvis is singing to him and acts "gay". The whole thing is completely brainless.
Blue ChristmasThankfully it get's better with the third guirtar-song. March 25th may not be defined as Xmas time, but Elvis delivers a charming rendition of the seasonal tune.
My WayNow Elvis hands his guitar back to Charlie and announces to sing "My Way". Before he does so, he turns to his bass singer and says "It's cold up here, JD, it's cold up here, son". As expected the king sounds much better than yesterday, but he leaves out a part and starts the final verse too early. Realizing his mistake, he can be heared muttering "sorry". After the performance Elvis introduced the band and sang "Hurt", "Hound Dog" and "Can't Help Falling In Love". All these things were not captured by the sound engineer since the tape ran out.