
The ultimate site about the king of the analogue age


Following the show in Amarillo/Texas Elvis flew to Norman/Oklahoma, where he arrived at Will Rogers Airport at 12:35 am. He was driven to the Scirvan Plaza Hotel, where he stayed until March 27th. His entourage was housed at the Ramada Inn. On March 25th and 26th Elvis performed at the Lloyd Noble Center at 8:30 pm. Unlike the second show, the first one wasn't a sell out since 85 of the 11,500 seats were empty when the king took the stage. For the concert he wore the "Mexican Sundial Suit", which can be seen on the cover.

You Gave Me A Mountain

Today Elvis has switched around the order of songs. The usual openers "See See Rider" and "I Got A Woman" were follwed by "Funny, How Time Slips Away" and "If You Love Me (Let Me Know)". The recording starts with the first bars of "You Gave Me A Mountain". Elvis sounds rather tired and also misses a few notes. 

Love Me

Now the king wants to do "Jailhouse Rock", but soon changes his mind and opts for "Love Me" instead. It's a routine performance, during which Elvis throws a few scarfs into the audience.

Jailhouse Rock

The title song of the singer's thrid movie is presented nevertheless. But once again Elvis doesn't invest too much energy.

O Sole Mio / It's Now Or Never

Mr. Presley is slightly stuttering as he announces Sherrill Nielsen's performance of "O Sole Mio", which merges into "It's Now Or Never". As expected by now Elvis sounds quite tired.

Little Sister

Ironically the king announces "some medleys that you have heared before" and adds "but you're going to hear them again". The first of these songs is "Little Sister", which gets a nice enough outing.

Teddy Bear / Don't Be Cruel

However, Elvis doesn't seem to care for the next two songs at all. He just mumbles through them and throws a truckload of scarfs into the audience. For some unknown reasons, the fans love the procedure and don't care for the vocal efforts of their idol at all.

My Way

When introducing "My Way" Elvis tells the crowd "I have to read it as I don't know the words to it" and even adds "In fact I can't read it". What a sad event the Presley show has become! But then the chubby, tired man on stage surprises everyone by staging a rather impressive performance of "My Way". During the grande finale he even sounds as bright and clear as he used to do.


Unfortunately Elvis seems to have spend all of his energy on "My Way". He starts "Fever" somewhat out of tune and marches through it without any zest or enjoyment. Yes, he moves his legs and yes, the ladies scream everytime he does so. But in fact he's just a caricature of his former self.


The album continues with "Hurt", but in fact Elvis wasted more than 13 (!) minutes between these songs for the "Introductions". He appears to be slightly refreshed, but still he's lightyears away from what can be heared on the record.

Hound Dog

With "Hound Dog" it gets even worse. The singer mumbles through the same four lines over and over again and doesn't even pretend to like what he's doing.

Can't Help Falling In Love

Now Elvis tells the crowd, that they have been a fantastic audience and adds "I think we're gonna be here tomorrow night". It's obvious, that he's not certain about the locality of his next appearance. The usual show closer is another low-key affair, ended by the sounds of the "Closing Riff".

 (C) Follow That Dream Records / Sony Music Entertainment