(C) Memphis Recording Service Limited
I'm Movin' On (takes 1-2. & take 2 with vocal and steel guitar overdubs)
In contrast to "You'll Think Of Me" the next tune was a rush job. The first take is a false start and a short rehearsal, the second attempt is approved for post production. Parts of the process are vocal overdubs and the addition of a steel guitar. All of the recordings have been released before on FTD's "Memphis Sessions" and on their collector's edition of "From Elvis In Memphis".
A Little Bit Of Green (rehearsal + takes 1-3)The session for "A Little Bit Of Green" is also presented in its entirety, this time the tracks are known from FTD's collector's edition of "Back In Memphis". Before the official part of the recording starts, Elvis and his group are rehearsing a bit. It doesn't sound too convincing, at the end the king even starts to whistle. After some coordination a first take is put on tape. It's a complete performance, but Elvis fights with the lyrics, the timing and the notes. He's aware about the quality of his efforts and has to laugh in-between. Due to further timing issues Chips Moman stops the second take. Finally the third attempt works well, but just regarding the music. On September 26th Elvis re-recorded his part and Charlie Hodge added harmony vocals. However, "American Sound Studio 1969" offers the take in its original form.
Gentle On My Mind (take 1 with track replacement, vocal overdubs and master vocal)Elvis needed just a single try to put the country ballad on tape. Unfortunately Chips Moman erased the king's original vocals, so this compilation presents the enhanced version of the take, which includes Elvis' re-recorded part as well as aditional instruments. This track was previously released on FTD's collector's edition of "From Elvis In Memphis".
Don't Cry Daddy (take 3 with master vocal overdub)On January 13th and 14th the king had displayed some trouble with his voice, on the next day he called in sick. So the band recorded music tracks to which the singer could later add his voice. They taped three takes of "Don't Cry Daddy". On January 22nd Elvis sang to take number 3, Chips Moman later enhanced the recording with further instruments and voices. The track we get to hear on this compilation is also available on FTD's "From Elvis At American Sound Studio".
Poor Man's Gold (take 12 with abandoned vocal overdub)The same applies to this song. The only difference is, that Elvis sings just a few words before he has to laugh and stops the procedure. It was his only attempt to produce a vocal track. For us fans this oddity is nice to have, but for everyone else it's nothing to write home about.
Inherit The Wind (take 4 with master vocal overdub)The track starts with a rehearsal of the band, which took place right before the recording of the instrumental version. Elvis added his voice on January 21, 1969. The recording was previously released on FTD's collector's edition of "Back In Memphis".
Mama Liked The Roses (take 4 with alternate vocal overdub & take 4 with master vocal overdub)Usually RCA filed just the released version of Elvis' vocal overdubs, but in this case an alternate voice track survived, too. So we get to hear the instrumental master (take 4) with the king's alternate vocals plus the same music track with the well known overdub. Once again both incarnations of the song are not new, FTD issued them before on "From Elvis At American Sound Studio".
My Little Friend (take 8 with master vocal overdub)This is the final music track, to which Elvis added his voice on January 21st. The recording was also available before on "From Elvis At American Sound Studio".
In The Ghetto (takes 1-11, 13, 19, 20 & 22 with master vocal overdub)After all the overdubbed music tracks the set continues with "In The Ghetto", recorded live in the studio on January 20th. Takes 5 to 10 were unreleased at the time, the others were known from FTD's collector's edition of "From Elvis In Memphis" (takes 1, 2 and 22), BMG's boxed sets "Platinum - A Life In Music" (take 3), From Memphis To Nashville - The Essential 60's Masters" (take 4) and "Today, Tomorrow And Forever" (take 20) as well as FTD's compilations "Memphis Sessions" (take 11), "Made In Memphis" (take 13) and "From Elvis At American Sound Studio" (take 19). The first try is a complete performance, but a very quiet and lowkey one. At one point the king looses his step and is audibly annoyed. The second attempt is killed off by the producer after a minute or so, because "It's a little ragged". A false start is followed by two complete performances. By now everyone is used to the song and Elvis' vocals sound a tad more lively. Take number 5 is an attempt to record the ballad in a different key, but the result doesn't please Mr. Moman. He also cancels the next take. Now the tempo of the song is discussed and another take is on its way. After two minutes the producer kills it off, because the guitar playing is not according to his taste. He also ends the next two attempts, because the group doesn't deliver, what he has in his mind. By take number ten the arrangement is worked out, but now Elvis starts to sing "...so he starts to run the streets at night" way too early. He says "Sorry, my fault". Takes number 11 and 13 are complete performances, Chips Moman announces "We'r right on it now, we're right on it". After a false start the group delivers a take, that easily could have been selected for release. However, they still try to improve their performance. The 20th attempt is eaqually good, by number 22 everybody finally realizes, that they got the maximum out of the song. On this boxed set we don't get to hear the original take 22, but the version with Elvis' new vocal track, which was taped on January 22nd. I assume, that the undoctored recording doesn't exist anymore.