In November 1965 MGM released "Harum Scarum".
In North America and Canada the motion picture
yielded rental fees of 3.1 million USD, which
means it made 6.2 million USD at the box office.
Today (using the factor 15) it would have earned
MGM 46.5 million USD and would have grossed 93
million USD.
In Germany the movie started on July 8, 1966.
It was named "Verschollen Im Harem" which can be
translated to "Lost In The Harem".
After the premiere of his latest movie
"Burning Sands" the singer and actor Johnny
Tyronne (Elvis) is kidnapped by Sinan to kill
Toranshah, king of Lunarkand. But Johnny
escapes, discovers the conspiracy of prince
Sinan and falls in love with princess Shalimar.
Production Staff
Sam Katzman (producer), Gene Nelson
(director), Gerald Drayson Adams (script), Fred
Karger (music), Fred H. Jackman (camera), Ben
Lewis (editor).
Principal Cast
Elvis Presley (Johnny Tyrone), Mary Ann
Mobley (Princess Shalimar), Fran Jeffries
(Aishah), Michael Ansara (Prince Dragna), Jay
Novello (Zacha), Philip Reed (King Toranshah)
und Theo Marcuse (Sinan). The German voice of
Elvis was dubbed by Joachim Ansorge.
After "Girl Happy" Elvis' contract with MGM
had run out, but of course the management of the
studio was keen to continue because the Presley
flicks still made as much money as they used to
do back in 1961. So they offered a deal of three
more motion pictures, each one paid with a fee
of $750,000 and a profit share of 40%, reduced
of the fee. Because everybody knew that Elvis
was sick and tired of the musicals the deal was
topped off with a bonus of $250,000 (to be paid
by weekly installments of $1,000) just for
signing the contract. Translated to the present
(once again using the factor of 15) the king was
to receive 33.75 million USD for three movies
plus a bonus of 3.75 million USD for his
agreement to sign. On top of that came the
profit share of 40%. If that made the king
another million per movie back then, it would be
a total of 45 million today. It's safe to say
that this contract would be worth at least 82.5
million USD today!
Back in 1965 "Harum Scarum" was budgeted with
2.4 million USD, including Elvis' fee of
$750,000 and the bonus of $250,000. So in total
Sam Katzman just had 1.4 million USD to make the
movie. To save money he did without building new
backdrops and using old ones instead. The temple
complex had originally been build in 1927 (so it
was almost 40 years old when "Harum Scarum" was
made) for the movie "The King Of Kings", most
costumes had been made for a picture named
"Kismet" and had been stored for twenty years.
Even the dagger Elvis used was one of the items
originally made in 1939 for "Lady Of The
Tropics". Of course the production time
was also kept to a minimum, the whole thing was
made between March 15th and April 19th. A few
scenes were shot at Iverson Ranch in Chatsworth,
but most of the work was done at the MGM Studios
in Culver City.
According to Priscilla Presley Elvis
considered the script a joke, Johnny Thyronne
(his character) a fool and the songs disastrous.
Even Colonel Parker, who usually only cared for
the payment of his client, wrote a letter to MGM
in which he ironically assumed only a 55th
cousin of P.T. Barnum could sell a product like
this. To me these reactions are somewhat
strange. MGM had paid Elvis well for starring in
lightweight musical comedies and now offered
even more money for three further pictures. Did
Presley and Parker really expect the studio to
switch to arthouse movies? Besides that, it was
the Colonel himself (with the approval of his
client) who had insisted on keeping the budgets
down. They wanted easy money, signed the
contracts and were whining about the results.
Bloody stupid! By the way, Parker was wrong about
the problems to sell "Harum Scarum". The movie
was as successful as most of the Elvis movies of
the past five years.
In November 1965 RCA
Victor released a soundtrack album. It made it
in the top 10 of Billboard's album charts and
sold 2.5 million copies. A
tap on the cover leads to the review.
Home Entertainment
Warner Brothers released
"Harum Scarum" in August 2024 as part of their
"Warner Archive Collection". Tap on the cover
for a short review.