In June 2022 Follow That Dream Records issued
another set of concert recordings from 1976.
This time we got to hear the king's performances
on September 8th (Pine Bluff) and October 19th
(Madison). The sound carriers are housed in a 5"
digi-pak, the cover photo was taken in Madison.
As usual FTD didn't release their album
digitally and stuck to the
dying compact disc format.
The show in Pine Bluff was not fully
recorded, the beginning ("Also Sprach
Zarathustra", "See See Rider" and "I Got A
Woman") as well as the finale (Sherrill Nielsens
renditions of "Danny Boy" and "Walk With Me"
plus Elvis' performances of "Blue Suede Shoes",
"How Great Thou Art" and "Can't Help Falling In
Love") are missing. Considering the source,
the audio quality is quite good.
The reviews of the concerts can be found
Pine Bluff (September 8,
Madison (October 19, 1976)
In early September the king wasn't in
good condition at all, but since it was the
final show of the tour he was ready to give
what was left. In October he was in better
shape and also included a few more or less
unusual songs.

(C) Follow That
Dream Records / Sony Music Entertainment