(C) Sony Music Entertainment / Follow That Dream Records.
Not much is known about Elvis' visit to Spokane. The concert took place at The Spokane Coliseum, which was sold out with 7,500 fans. It is said, that the concert generated 80,000 USD. This would have been below the target mark of Colonel Parker. To him it wasn't worth the effort if the show didn't bring in at least 100,000 USD. So the venue was a bit too small for Elvis.
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Just like in St. Louis the orchestra performes an excerpt of "Also Sprach Zarathustra", the band takes over with the "Opening Riff" and Elvis enters the stage. Charlie hands him his guitar and the king walks to the microphone. Compared to the previous disc the band sounds different due to the return of Ronnie Tutt. Speaking about the sound: The recording is a tad on the muffled side.
See See RiderThe logical first song of a Presley concert is performed well, the king invests more energy than he did in St. Louis.
I Got A Woman / AmenBefore he sings the next song, Elvis acknowledges the noise of the fans on the back of the stage by ironically remarking "My band is yelling TURN AROUND". During the well-well-well-part he imitates the hysteric shrieks of the ladies and tells the people, they should have stayed at home and watch "Policewoman" on tv instead of visiting his show. Then he launches into "I Got A Woman". Once again he sounds more dynamic than in St. Louis and no nasal sub-tone can be heared in his voice. But today he takes more time to spoof his moves from the 1950s and has JD Sumner presenting his bass voice twice. Finally he finishes his opening, throws his guitar to Charlie Hodge and welcomes the crowd. He also tells them not to listen to the guy, who told them to "...stay in your seats and sit there until you die...like a mortician's convention".
Love MeHis rendition of "Love Me" is another prove, that Elvis feels better than in St. Louis. He interacts with the fans and keeps the song going much longer. When a woman hysterically screams "Elvis! Kiss me...please, please, please!!!" he tells her, that he caught the Creepin' Crudd last night in Nashville.
If You Love Me (Let Me Know)During the last tour the king followed "Love Me" with "Let Me Be There", but now he's back to "If You Love Me (Let Me Know)". He hasn't sung it since last August, but compared to his previous renditions this one lacks drive. Afterwards Elvis chats with a fan. When he finds out, that she's pregnant, he dedicates the next song to her.
You Gave Me A MountainBecause the sound on stage is fine and no microphone is smashed into his teeth, Mr. Presley's performance of "You Gave Me A Mountain" is much better than the one in St. Louis.
All Shook UpLeaving out "Steamroller Blues" Elvis directly moves on to the oldie part of his show. Compared to his rendition on the first disc of the set, he invests more energy in "All Shook Up".
Teddy Bear / Don't Be CruelThe medley of "Teddy Bear" and "Don't Be Cruel" is sung better, too. Afterwards Elvis reacts to the adoration of the crowd with "My nose is running, ain't nothing unusual about that! I'm human!"
Trying To Get To YouInstead of "Heartbreak Hotel" the king presents the SUN classic "Trying To Get To You". Here he's running at full throttle and sounds very impressive on the chorus.
America (The Beautiful)Now it's time for the patriotic "America (The Beautiful)". Especially on the chorus Elvis sounds more boisterous than in St. Louis.
Polk Salad AnnieThe king suggests "Let's do POLK SALAD ANNIE" and a second later the bass intro is booming through the arena. Since March his physical condition hasn't improved at all, but nevertheless Elvis sings with more drive. Maybe one of the reasons is, that he moves even less than in St. Louis. As if he wants to apologize for it, he tells the crowd that he usually does a deep knee-bend, but left it out today because he ripped his suit the last time he did it. He's obviously referring to the afternoon show in Cincinnatti, when he split the seams of his new "Blue Egyptian Bird Suit" and had to change his wardrobe in mid-show.
IntroductionsUnusually the crew wears diffent colors, so Elvis asks them if they got into an argument. When Tony Brown is introduced, he starts to play "Jingle Bells" and the band joins in. The king appears to be caught off-guard and remarks "The band has been sniffing coal or charcoal, there's something wrong with this group!". I guess he didn't dare to say "coke". Funny stuff. However, otherwise it's a boring procedure. Nowadays it lasts even longer than in March, because not only the band members perform a solo each, but the king also introduces each member of the harmony groups individually.
My WayWhile he sang "And I Love You So" in St. Louis, Elvis now continues the show with "My Way". The fans know his version from the album "Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite", but since that performance in 1973 the Sinatra classic hasn't been sung too often. It's an emotional rendition, the arrangement is more dramatic than three years ago.
Burning LoveAnother tune not performed in St. Louis is "Burning Love". At times Elvis mixes up the lyrics, but otherwise it's a good rendition. The king invests quite some energy and proves, that he still can rock the house.
HurtUp next is the king's current single "Hurt". From start to finish he sounds impressive, no missed notes and no fluffed lyrics. "Want to do it again?" he asks, but soon decides "Nah, hold it!".
Funny, How Time Slips AwayInstead of reprising "Hurt" Elvis decides to have the house lights turned up to take a look at the audience. Refering to a recent newspaper report he tells the crowd "I woke up one morning and I heard on the news I was married to somebody!". Later he jokes "If you give us a good reception everyone gets a Cadillac tonight, too". Then he sings the usual "Funny, How Time Slips Away", once again sounding much stronger than in St. Louis.
How Great Thou ArtInstead of ending the show with "Can't Help Falling In Love" Elvis decides to sing the gospel hymn "How Great Thou Art". It's a very impressive performance, even though he changes the lyrics to "how great I think thou art". Was he uncertain about his belief?
Hound DogThe gospel hymn is followed by the rock'n'roll classic "Hound Dog". As usual Elvis just repeats the same four lines over and over again and shakes his chubby body to the brass sounds of the orchestra. It's a complete throw-away, but for whatever reason the fans love it.
Can't Help Falling In LoveBefore he says goodbye, Elvis makes reference to the various reports about his health and explains his hospital stays as being "nothing serious, just minor things" and adds "There's a lot of rumours, they are not true". Afterwards he bows out by saying "If you want us to come back, just let us know because we'd love to come back, we really enjoyed it". Then he closes the show with the usual "Can't Help Falling In Love" and leaves the stage to the sounds of the "Closing Riff".