FTD's "From Georgia To Florida" is a double
disc, which features soundboard recordings of
Elvis' concerts on April 24, 1975 and April 27,
1975. The sound carriers are housed in a 5"
digipak, whose design includes photos from the
tour as well as a ticket stub. However, in total
the packaging looks boring. The audio mix isn't
the best one, too. Elvis, the harmony singers
(especially JD Sumner) and the piano are very
much upfront, while everything else is far in
the back. Besides that, the engineer didn't
record the complete shows and left out the
typical opening of "Also Sprach Zarathustra",
"See See Rider" and "I Got A Woman". When the
album was released in May 2019, streaming
already had overtaken the physical sales.
Nevertheless the collector's label stuck to the
old compact disc format.
It all sounds quite negative, but still "From
Georgia To Florida" is a worthwhile addition to
your soundboard collection. The reason is, that
Elvis left out most of the worn-out oldies and
focused on his current recordings. His live show
rarely was as up to date as in early 1975. The
audio mix may be unusual, but once you get used
to it, it's ok.
For details of the concerts and recordings
just tap on the links:
Macon/Georgia: April 24,
Lakeland/Florida: April
27, 1975
This album is a good representation of
the tour. The first show is based on current
songs, while a few days later the oldies had
slipped back into the set list. But Elvis
delivers them well and is in a relaxed mood.

(C) Sony Music