Seven years after "High Sierra" Follow That
Dream Records decided to release more material
from the king's Tahoe stint in early 1974. In
October 2017 a double disc called "Lake Tahoe
'74" hit the market. It offered soundboard
recordings of the dinner shows on May 25th and
26th. The sound carriers were housed in a 5"
digipak, neatly designed with photos from this
season, advertising material, etc. Of course the
product was never distributed digitally, you
have to own a cd player to enjoy it.
Maybe FTD hasitated to release these
recordings, because the mix is not perfect. The
drums are a bit too much in the background while
JD Sumner's bass voice is a tad too loud. There
are also a few dropouts and my personal
impression is, that the tape is running a hair
too slow. To read about the inferiorities makes
it sound worse than it actually is. There are
better soundboard recordings of Presley concerts
for sure, but these two are still good enough to
be enjoyed.
For reviews of the concerts tap here:
May 25, 1974 (Dinner Show)
26, 1974 (Dinner Show)
Both concerts are good ones and both
include some more or less rare songs. Elvis
is relaxed and entertaining, but some of the
oldies in the first part of the show are
delivered with a tad too much routine.

(C) Follow That
Dream Records / Sony Music Entertainment